OPS info
This page contains documents describing operations with aircraft at TORP Sandefjord airport (ENTO) and all types of aviation related operations in the airspace around the airport (Torp control zone/CTR) – both with manned and unmanned aircraft, and for aerial sporting activities.

Main document
The main document «OPS info for ENTO and Torp CTR» includes descriptions of relations between this document and the supplementary documents.
Supplementary documents
NOTE: Some of the supplementary documents are currently only available in the Norwegian language, but could be translated into English on demand.
Tariff regulations
Air Passenger Tax
If you fly to or from Norwegian airports, you are required to pay an air passenger tax to the Norwegian Tax Administration. If you do not have a Norwegian organization number, you must utilize a representative in Norway to report on your behalf. Consulting firms such as Deloitte, PwC, or E&Y undertake such assignments. For more information, please visit the Norwegian Tax Administration website: Air passenger tax – The Norwegian Tax Administration (skatteetaten.no)